chin up blog

A Letter to My Teenager

Dear Jhanvee,

For all the things my hands have held, the best by far is you –My SPECIAL daughter.

Thus, it became our responsibility as your parents, to find you the most cherished “Gift”, that would be only yours forever, wherever – ingrained in you and make you the Jhanvee that we had envisaged, the day you were born.

“TABIS” a school, a building with four walls with your tomorrow inside – Shining & Glorious. A tomorrow that is being chiselled away with utmost care, compassion, integrity, layer by layer, by its guardians… Your Teachers, whose three loves are: love of learning, love of learners & the love of bringing the first two loves together.

Our journey started together dear daughter hesitantly, unsure when we first stood at TABIS’ threshold, don’t remember who was more scared You or Me – a plethora of unanswered questions in both our minds.

But, as days turned into weeks, weeks into months and months into years, our fears dissipated, a serene calm engulfed us like a much needed warm blanket in a cold wintery night, all because of the “World of TABIS” – a special place, where you my most precious little girl found her Voice, her Choice and her “Self”.

You finally started to see, what your family always believed in, about you – Intellectual Innocence, because now we had the “TABIS TEAM” (as fondly called by us parents) to back us up in our beliefs.

A group of people, right from the first to the topmost level of management who believed in you much before you did. Their purpose being two fold – enriching young minds and giving the much needed support & understanding to your parents (yup!! even us biggies need help sometimes).

Today, you stand tall as a 10th grader, having had your share of Ups & Downs, experiences, challenges, successes, failures – but all Yours, taken on the Chin, just as you have been taught by your TABIS.


I am the 2nd learner here, as TABIS, has re-schooled me too, in many immeasurable ways. It is matter of time, when you will be ready to step up and step out into the world, Jhanvee, you will finally turn into a fine young lady, who will know how to take care of herself… a lesson well learnt.

& THAT … will be your reward, TABIS!!!

Kiran Duggal
The Author is a Parent at The Aditya Birla Integrated School.

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