We are always committed to the holistic development of our students and ensure that they have access to a wide range of therapeutic interventions. We provide individualized assistance to each student across academic, behavioural, and emotional domains to address a barrier to learning or to enhance their health, happiness and wellbeing.
Our Speech-language pathologists provide screening, evaluation, intervention, management, consultation and home programmes for children with a wide range of communication challenges, which include language disorders, deficits in social skills, phonological skills, speech sound production, feeding impairments, fluency and voice disorders. Our goal is to decrease the negative impact that these challenges have on a child’s academic success and social interaction through therapeutic intervention given during pull-out and inclusion sessions. Speech-language pathologists work collaboratively with teachers, parents and other therapists to promote a Multi- disciplinary approach to enhance each child’s potential.
Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Therapy is a specific form of behavior modification. ABA is used to improve socially significant behaviors to a meaningful degree. It can be thought of as applying behavioral principles to behavioral goals and carefully measuring the results. The principles of ABA work on the belief that influencing a response associated with a particular behavior may cause that behavior to be shaped and controlled. This basically means that the behavior that is reinforced is more likely to be repeated than a behavior which is not rewarded. Our ABA therapist implements this therapy by giving a one-to-one individual session in a play way and child friendly environment.
ABA therapist breaks down each skill into manageable units so that each part can be taught effectively. Problem behaviors that needs to be reduced (e.g.: temper tantrums, self- injury) and behaviors that need to be increased (e.g.: eye contact, attention span) are managed to enable the individual to function effectively. This is done through various strategies like
Occupational therapists help students perform particular tasks necessary for participation or learning. The whole purpose of school-based occupational therapy is to help kids succeed. Occupational therapy practitioners don’t just focus on the specific problem that a child’s disability may present; rather, they look at the whole child and tackle individual tasks, helping students find ways to do the things they need and want to do.
In early intervention, the goal is to enhance development and minimize the potential developmental delay and thereby help families to meet the special needs of their child. For children in schools, occupational therapy works to ensure that a student can participate in the full breadth of school activities. After occupational therapy assessment, consultation with parent, classroom observation and multidisciplinary inputs (from other school team members), Occupational therapy in the form of NDT and Sensory Integration therapy may be recommended for an individual student for reasons that might be affecting his or her learning or behaviour, such as motor skills, cognitive processing, visual or perceptual problems, mental health concerns, difficulties staying on task, disorganization, or inappropriate sensory responses.