Stress – easily one of the most highly used words in our times; mainly because it is one of the most frequently experienced emotions. The thing about stress is that it does not spare any age group. While it is assumed that there is no escaping it in adulthood, children are highly prone to one particular form – exam-related stress.
While a small amount of stress is acceptable and even beneficial for optimum performance, too much of it can interfere with the ability to study and retain what we have learned.
Given that we cannot shield our children from experiencing exam-related stress, it is vital to equip them with the coping mechanisms required to deal with the same.
What follows is a simple, five-step process for dealing with exam-related stress; and all it requires is a bit of ‘trust’.
T – Take a deep breath. Oxygen helps! R – Revise your work. Go over key points U – Use pictures where possible. Graphic organizers make matters more relatable. S – Sleep at least 7 hours. Your brain needs rest too! T – Talk to someone if you need to. Friends, family, teachers. We are here if it gets too much!
Dear students, always remember that you are so much more important than your marks. Work hard, do your best, and most of all, remember to TRUST yourself. Good luck!
Ms. Aisha Bharmal Head of Junior School The Aditya Birla Integrated School