I joined the The Aditya Birla Integrated School in the 8th grade. I was a very quiet and not so confident student; I was a very average student in academics but I was very good in sports and really enthusiastic about it which really benefited me. In the coming years, my confidence really grew and became a great student in academics, the reason being that in TABIS, the teachers paid attention to each student individually which really helped me and the teachers overall really made me feel like I was a part of a family.
In my previous school I never really felt I had the leadership skills but over the years in TABIS those skills were built inside me and I got a chance to be the Yearbook Editor of the school and also got to be the Prefect of a House which I lead to victory.
Over the years in school, my juniors, friends, peers and teachers really liked me because I was a very happy go lucky person, all of them loved my smile and were very supportive and cheerful people. I also did my Junior College here as well and I got new sets of friends, it was this group of friends that I had a great bond with, these group of friends really changed me as person in a good way for example: - I really never used to go out with any friend for lunch or dinner but it was with these friends that I started going out, even now I am still in touch with them and would not stop being in touch with them.
Also Read: My School Life At TABIS
This school had a lot of great extracurricular activities like Language Day, Sports Day, we even went for camps and also there was Annual Day, these activities involved compulsory participation which I loved.
With the way I evolved in this school I would not have been able to do it in any other school. This gave me everything and I am so grateful to be a part of TABIS. Thank You TABIS for every single thing.
- Anshul Gwalani
Alumni, The Aditya Birla Integrated School