
school life

What's new

Language Fest 2021

Our Language Fest was celebrated over two days this year. Students attended sessions in their individual groups where they played games like Charades, story building and many more. Language Fest this year was truly an “Out of the Box” experience for us all!

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Investiture Ceremony 2021

We celebrated our first event of the Academic Year 2021-22 - Investiture Ceremony. This event included the announcement of the Student Council for the year and the Yearbook Team. Congratulations to the students!

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India School Ranking 2020-21

We are happy to share that The Aditya Birla Integrated School has been ranked the No. 1 Special Needs School in India by Education World India for the year 2020-21. We dedicate this recognition to our students, parents and our stellar team!

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co-curricular Activities

We give an opportunity to each and every student to hone certain skills and engage them in diverse fields of sports, music, chess, games, art, drama, dance, robotics and physical education among others.


Events are an integral part of the life of students at TABIS. We conduct activities such as Languages Fest, Project Day, School Carnival, Annual Camp, Field Trips, Edu Tours, Christmas Fair, to name a few. These events provide important directions to students on their journey to self discovery.

Community Services

We offer various age-appropriate opportunities to students to become active and positive contributors to the community.


We provide a matrix of intra-school sports activities. Our emphasis on sports instils team spirit, a skill for life beyond the school days.