“Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school” – These famous words by Albert Einstein mock the compartmentalised syllabus that is taught in schools. In most of the boards success is determined by marks, which in turn are directly proportional to the rote learning capacity of the child. The questioning, inquisitive mind of the youngster is shackled by textbooks and “expected answers”. Though we try our best to provide a holistic learning experience to our students with practical exposure to the outside world, there is only so much we can do with a curriculum that gets rarely updated. Since IGCSE is a board recognised world over, more and more schools are offering the curriculum and it has become a popular choice among many parents and students. The syllabus and the content though slightly more challenging than conventional boards, encourages independent thinking and problem solving abilities. Students are encouraged to think and make informed opinions and choices based on facts and it creates a lasting passion for learning among them. The curriculum, though applicable globally, does maintain the local flavour. The curriculum is also routinely updated to keep pace with the changing world.
Also read: 5 Advantages of choosing IGCSE curriculum for your child
We are very excited to add the option of the IGCSE curriculum in the coming academic year, for grades 1 – 7. Children with learning difficulties generally find it difficult to rote learn but they do possess the ability to think out of the box. With a curriculum where conceptual understanding and its application is tested rather than rote, this could be beneficial to these students. The flexible assessment structure, wide selection of subjects and concessions granted for specific learning difficulties are also points in favour. Our school has the added advantage of a low student teacher ratio of not more than 12:1 that enables the teacher to give more attention to the understanding and development of every child in class. Most teachers being special educators, the teaching instruction and methodologies are also child-centric as they possess the ability to deliver the curriculum in a way that is exciting for the children. Having said that, this will be a new experience for us teachers too and we are eagerly looking forward to this added option in the next academic year. “I cannot teach anybody anything. I can only make them think” – Socrates. This would be our guide hereafter. Author: Ms. Leena Kotwal Head of Senior School, The Aditya Birla Integrated School